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This site contains information to help you understand the marking process in humanities, creative arts and science essays.

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Monday, January 7, 2013


As well as having completed the primary text brainstorm and breasoned out the assignment, and including the requirements of lower marks, earn the following marks by:

80% – find out how many big ideas - as a joke (famous areas of study) have been indicated by the lecturer, decide how many to create, each creating a production or a song, before breasoning out that number of assignments, pretending to say “It’s you” to the lecturer if you can’t complete the rest.  It is sometimes not necessary to know about the big idea/famous area of study to earn 80+%, which you can earn by breasoning out the assignment.
90%– Synthesis of own area of study own secondary text brainstorm and synthesis of 80% of these brainstorm items completed.
100% - Area of study about this synthesistwo uses to time to finish (breasonings details) applied to all parts of the synthesis.

Dot on (outer) space for undeveloped lecturers to cover 90+% requirements, because space can be in all assignments with high marks x.  This might not work, so think of own secondary text brainstorm and synthesis of 80% of these brainstorm items for all assignments instead because developed and undeveloped lecturers’ subjects (i.e. in writing each of their own secondary text brainstorm and synthesis of 80% of these brainstorm items) are mixed together from first year to PhD level.

Dot on 10 high quality breasonings during and from the first lecture to have As completed for you by the lecturer. Also, breason out your best attempt at an A also with two uses to time to finish (breasonings details).

Table: Marks allocated for completed sections.
Big Idea (Sometimes Necessary), 85 Breasonings Per Argument

Synthesis of Own Area of Study
Breasonings Details Applied to Own Area of Study

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