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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Amendment to Summary

Essay marks


80% - 85 breasonings
90% - 80% of 85 breasonings covered by synthesis = 68 breasonings, 68-1 connections in 68 breasoning argument = 67 connections, 85 + 67 + 5 paragraph arguments (link: Q5)  = 157 breasonings
100% - 2 * 67 interconnections between the breasonings and connections = 134 interconnections, 157 + 134 = 271 breasonings


Synthesis – a.k.a. critique, 5 paragraphs, each with quotes connected and interconnected by breasdostonings (see Synthesis and Breasdostonings), each of which is summarised by a single breasoning (see Breasoning).


Upasana – argument: detailed dreasonings (acting out function of objects)

Primary Text

1. I ate the chocolate periwinkle from the plastic shell (representing a map legend).

Secondary Text

From Primary Text 1.
1. I found the table on the map legend.
2. An inhabitant from a country placed money in a safe in a safe to give to his friend. (A richer country gave money to a poorer country by sending money across a border indicated by a map legend.)

From Secondary Text 1-2.
1. I placed the model table in the box. (This is an artificial intelligence setting.)

100% Synthesis
From Secondary Text 1, Synthesis 1.
1. I placed the setting on the table. (I placed the glass on the table.)
From Secondary Text 2, Synthesis 1.
2. I placed the box in the setting. (I sat on the box seat.)


80% - 85 breasonings
90% - 99 breasonings
100% - 110 breasonings

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