Welcome to Lucian's Pedagogy.

This site contains information to help you understand the marking process in humanities, creative arts and science essays.

Please read the Table of Contents (Welcome!) . To earn A, (in an assignment, to have a healthy baby or use 50 As to earn a job) please visit the Anarchy Quiz.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Study tricks summary

Repeat Upasana x 800 if not done in a chain of meditation days linked to today (and green, Purusha, Use, Teacher, Maharishi, Doctor each x 800 before Upasana if they are not done in a chain of meditation days linked to today).
Breason out this whole document and the following 8 breasonings details each semester as an exercise. Pretend to breason out the breasonings details to God.
1. Details - As an exercise, think of two uses, a future use and two types for each object.
2. Breasoning - Think of the x, y, z dimensions and colour of each object.
3. Rebreasoning - Think of the fact that the person and the object in a sentence are connected by a verb (an action) that means they touch.
4. Breathsoning - Think of a reason that the object is good.
5. Rebreathsoning - Think of a reason that the verb (action) is done well.
6. Space - Think of spatial characteristics of the person in relation to the object.
7. Time - Think of temporal characteristics of the person in relation to the object.
8. Professor Algorithm - Use your ability to hone breasonings for H1s.
- white lifting off blue square highest-achieving lecturer gives me.
- blue not orange
- square not circle
The Anarchy Quiz (http://lucianspedagogy.blogspot.com.au/p/anarchy-quiz.html) should be breasoned out with a button representing that it is “on” to be used in meditation training.
* * *
First, complete a single
This is followed by dotting on an H1 as follows:
Dotting on process
- The first step in “dotting” anything on requires thinking of a professor thinking of a pathway for a breasoning (an action on an object) in relation to that object, where a certain number of breasonings form part of an A-grade argument, by moving a cotton swab along a pathway from inside a clean, dry test tube.
- Pretend the cotton part of the test tube system is the counter.
- Breason out the counter (visualise it as being measured by the dimensions 0.01 m, 0.01 m, 0.005 m).
- As part of visualising the breasoning, pretend to remove the blue dots from the ground below the counter to make sure the counter is “pure” by “asking” that the dots should to be removed, then checking that this is done.
- This removal of impurities can also be done while pretending to untouch a foam blue strip from another strip, meaning the dots are “lifted” away.
- Take the counter “off” it’s “on” status by repeating the untouching step, this time to “unmagnetise” the counter and remove it from view.
“Play” a set of Anarchy Quiz answers (A) by “dotting a set on” (as above).
* * *
Emergency retraining in meditation after a break (NB can be omitted, because is indirectly active since initial training) (http://lucianicmeditation.blogspot.com.au/2012/11/lucianic-meditation-sutra-free-online.html). Do the 50 breasonings per second training as part of meditation training.
Dot on 10 high quality breasonings during and from the first lecture to have As done for you by the lecturer. Also, breason out your best attempt at an A also with e.g. breathsonings.
Breason out (think of the X, Y and Z dimensions) of 5 As (instances of the Anarchy Quiz, or a specific A if you have time to write one) for each philosophy chapter, song, a scene in a production (in a main role) for famousness with students (by doing this the rest of the famous students will have As breasoned out for them). Dot on the As to dot on the students, ideally dotting on each breasoning, and in As on different topics.
Choose developed subjects (ones you have “found out” the secondary texts are done for you in) taught by friendly lecturers the current academic head of the family recommends.
Produce a pop song on philosophy each semester
Keep a meditation and medication diary
Timetable tasks (talk to lecturer about prelabs) for week
Apply for special consideration
See Learning Skills Unit person for each assignment
(See http://luciansphilosophy.blogspot.com.au for examples of Nietzschean-style texts – from Breathsoning onwards).
For normal students:
Own primary text
Assessable assignment (requires 6 secondary texts directly relating to the assignment’s primary text)
If you “find out” secondary texts don’t relate directly to the main text, you will need to do the following instead (if you don’t have a working primary text-secondary text link, you could earn 50% instead of 70+%).
For student philosophers who would like to write essays ready for publication:
Own primary text
Own secondary text (relating directly to own primary text)
Assessable assignment (requires 6 secondary texts directly relating to the assignment’s primary text)
Do Nietzschean brainstorm (do A to broach brainstorms like this) with 220 breasonings each week, with 100 for the student and 100 for the lecturer, and 20 extra. The student brainstorm acts as the primary text the lecturer brainstorm acts as the secondary text.
Do an essay (a synthesis connecting all the points from the brainstorm together) on the brainstorm when the assignment doesn’t require one, with a hierarchical structure of reasons from the largest object to the smallest object.
In the essay, the quote and comment should be related mentally to the essay topic and each other.
The brainstorm and essay should be done weekly, not bi-semesterly, and mean all assignments that week should be in the running to earn H1.
Repeat the brainstorm and essay stages for a secondary text related to the primary text.
The secondary text brainstorms should be real areas of study (at the minimum, a pentagonal clique of uses that can be restructured, like Nietzsche’s - one with five connected reasons for each primary text paragraph, where each reason is one of the colours ROYGB - red, orange, yellow, green or blue).
Write five arbitrary connected reasons about the primary text.
It is important to write secondary texts in undeveloped subjects, where they are not written (refer directly to the primary text).
Breason out (think of the x, y and z dimensions of objects in sentences in) brainstorm, essay and assignment.
- Paraphrase quotes and comments and find out quotes, comments, connections and arguments.
- Don’t write unnecessary “algorithms” in connections or arguments.
- Include a small original part as a comment.
- Agree, don’t disagree for 80% and above, and in addition read 90 texts for 90% and above.
After lecturer dies: find out object for argument to be thought into, and colour of each reason from the king or queen.
Help my students with applying for jobs by indicating (appearance of) 15 billion As (in multiples of 10) using He Man (http://lucianspedagogy.blogspot.com.au/2012/11/the-lecturer-must-give-you-h1-as-well.html), then indicating 50A s per job applicant to the monarch.
- Also: babies
- Grades, so University stays afloat with 50% grade average
- 25% have As from Academic Skills Unit in what lecturer says about essay.
Others should be protected when they are not meditating on correct techniques.
Education degree pointers: lecturer’s comments, lecturer’s review (about your grade, other of your grades, others’ grades) and interclass (from outside class, breason out student’s appearance) comments, 90 texts covered: fill in with tick.
Breason out an A from the song White Christmas (the highest selling single of all-time) for each assignment. Find out its arguments for your essay.
Become an independent school philosophy teacher to become proficient in earning A.
To do list
- Monash pool
- Pilates
- Careers counsellor, mindfulness, meditation, SMART
- Disability Liaison Unit head
- 50 Breasonings per Second and each Breasoning List movies
- Make real movie(s) if possible
- Education teacher aide job, with volunteer job first
- partner
- As for songs and their movies
- Ways of thinking: write essays synthesising ideas, follow Education to become a philosopher by teaching
- Vocational Education and Training requires an A for each student.
- Guitar lessons
- Enrol in up to PhD in institution then do e.g. Masters at institution with high standards, i.e. Oxford Philosophy and Hindu theology
- Brainstorm and write essay on ways of thinking
- doorknock for Lucianic Meditation at right hours with security guard
- hold a meditation group
* * *
To earn A, write:
primary text
secondary texts
6 secondary texts * 110 breasonings (NB the primary texts should be worked on in the holidays and one secondary text should be worked on one per week during semester).
= 660 breasonings
660 breasonings in secondary texts / 5 colours (secondary texts / primary texts) (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, each of which represent uses in a pentagonal clique about the first primary text breasoning and the next primary text breasoning, etc.)
= 132 breasonings in primary text
132 breasonings / 6 secondary texts
= 22 breasonings
22 breasonings / (6 breasonings/paragraph)
= 3.66 paragraphs in primary text (NB the primary text does not constitute the exposition, the sixth secondary text does, because secondary texts contain the relevant details that should be contained in the essay).
* * * 
110 breasonings / (6 breasonings/paragraph)
= 18.33 paragraphs in secondary text per essay critique
= 18.33 paragraphs in secondary text / 3.66 paragraphs in primary text
= 5 colours (secondary texts / primary texts)
The 3-4 breasonings for each of the 5 paragraphs should be structured in an argumentary structure, so secondary text breasonings from 3 colours about a primary breasoning(s) are joined and related to the essay topic.

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