Welcome to Lucian's Pedagogy.

This site contains information to help you understand the marking process in humanities, creative arts and science essays.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012



The following ideas should be represented in high quality work.

1. Two uses

Include two uses or ideas (b, c) about an idea (a) from your essay (i.e. a->b, a->c). For example, an apple (6x6x6 cm) is used to eat and contain seeds. Eating is useful because it helps keep us alive and allows us to jump over a line (100x1x0 cm) and seeds (0.5x0.1x0.5 cm) are useful because they help the species continue on to the next generation.

2. Two types

Think about how two objects (a, c) are co-ordinated as a whole (b) in relation to each other (i.e. a->b, c->b). For example, a glass of milk (5x5x10 cm) softens weet-bix (10x5x1 cm) in a breakfast bowl (20x20x5 cm) as the whole, making it easier to digest.

3. Future

Think about how one of your ideas (a) relates to the future (b, i.e. a->b). For example, students should learn to read e.g. the letter "A" (10x10x0 cm) so they can walk between two lines (100x1x0 cm) in later life.

• Are you interested how the ideas work logically?

1. Two uses

A->B, A->C

e.g. I have boiled the water so that I can make tea and I have boiled water so that I can boil pasta.

The uses must be immediate and not too far away.

2. Future


e.g. I am learning to drive so that I can drive to University.

3. Two types


e.g. I saturated the weet bix with milk.

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