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This site contains information to help you understand the marking process in humanities, creative arts and science essays.

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Writing Sentences By Making Distinctions Between Objects (The Pedagogical Ways of Thinking)

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The first aim of this website is to help students write sentences by making distinctions between objects.  * Pages indicated by an asterisk are recommended.

See arguments for the following ideas, Free Online Pedagogy Education Degree.

I recommend you read the following pages:

1. Details - As an exercise, think of two uses, a future use and two types for each object.
* 2. Breasoning - Think of the x, y, z dimensions and colour of each object.
3. Rebreasoning - Think of the fact that the person and the object in a sentence are connected by a verb (an action) that means they touch.
4. Breathsoning - Think of a reason that the object is good.
5. Rebreathsoning - Think of a reason that the verb (action) is done well.
6. Space - Think of spatial characteristics of the person in relation to the object.
7. Time - Think of temporal characteristics of the person in relation to the object.
8. God Algorithm - Initialise your ability to hone breasonings for H1s.
9. Professor Algorithm - Use your ability to hone breasonings for H1s.

* See also Marking Scheme - Humanities and Science - for the number of breasonings required for an "A" (an A-grade assignment that is a token of professionalism).

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