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This site contains information to help you understand the marking process in humanities, creative arts and science essays.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Substitute breasonings for breasonings details

If you know the following breasonings details:

1. Ideas - As an exercise, think of two uses, a future use and two types for each object.
2. Breasoning - Think of the x, y, z dimensions and colour of each object.
3. Rebreasoning - Think of the fact that the person and the object in a sentence are connected by a verb (an action) that means they touch.
4. Breathsoning - Think of a reason that the object is good.
5. Rebreathsoning - Think of a reason that the verb (action) is done well.
6. Space - Think of spatial characteristics of the person in relation to the object.
7. Time - Think of temporal characteristics of the person in relation to the object.

You can substitute breasonings for each of them.  This is useful for students before they realise  the necessity to use the breasonings details or those who think it is quicker.

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