Fifty (50) breasonings should be completed by the University to the Universal Professor for H1.
Welcome to Lucian's Pedagogy.
This site contains information to help you understand the marking process in humanities, creative arts and science essays.
Please read the Table of Contents (Welcome!) . To earn A, (in an assignment, to have a healthy baby or use 50 As to earn a job) please visit the Anarchy Quiz.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
H1 50 to Universal Professor
H1 50 to Emeritus Professor
Fifty (50) breasonings should be completed by the University to the Emeritus Professor for H1.
H1 50 to Professor
Fifty (50) breasonings should be completed by the University to the Professor for H1.
H1 50 to Head of State
Fifty (50) breasonings should be completed by the University to the Head of State for H1.
Pass 50
Fifty (50) breasonings should be completed by the University for a student to pass a subject.
New Content for University As
Monday, December 13, 2010
Pencil Sharpener Technology
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Cork, Plane, Model, Interest Technologies
Monday, December 6, 2010
Stomach Technology
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Face Technology
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Royal Society
Friday, October 8, 2010
A and B Diagram
Monday, September 20, 2010
Facebook Application
Monday, August 16, 2010
A Child Is Born
3. Rebreasoning - Think of the fact that the person and the object in a sentence are connected by a verb (an action) that means they touch.
4. Breathsoning - Think of a reason that the object is good.
6. Space - Think of spatial characteristics of the person in relation to the object.
7. Time - Think of temporal characteristics of the person in relation to the object.
4. Learn how essays are graded, in terms of making distinctions between objects, in:
2. Marking Scheme - Creative Arts and Science - Creative Arts and Science
5. Detailed Reasoning - Each reason in the essay should be checked using this technique for ample marks.
6. Essay Requirements - One may be awarded a certain grade based on the content of the essay.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Pedagogical Closure
Friday, May 14, 2010
Critical Evaluation
Object from Critical Evaluation
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Everything In The Essay Should Be Linked Together And Breasoned Out In The Essay
Academy Humanities Quiz
* should, concentrate, politics-type argument
1. What is an example of a sculpture using part of a room?
John put the table on its side, to act as a wind break.*
2. How would Tom touch Nick, so that he would give Tom a job?
Tom rubbed Nick’s shoulders.
5b. Draw a diagram of the simple structure for the answers 1-5 with answer numbers labelled. E.g.
/ \
2 4
| |
3 5
5c. What are the inferences between each linked pair of answers? Please label the pair numbers.
1-2. Nick should sit behind the wind break.
* The algorithm is successful
6a. What is an example of a sculpture (***)?
Peter put the table on its side, to act as a wind break.
6bi. Agree or differ in opinion from 6a. [ ] Agree [ ] Differ in opinion. Why?
Peter tripped on the castanets.
()6bii. If you differed in opinion in 6bi from 6a, what is the solution to the difference in opinion?
Nick clicked the castanets.
6c. How is 6a linked to 6bii?
Nick hung the castanets from the table.
7. What is…
10d. Draw a diagram of the simple structure for the answers 6-10 with answer numbers labelled. E.g.
/ \
7 9
| |
8 10
10e. What are the inferences between each linked pair of answers? Please label the pair numbers.
1-2. Peter sat behind the wind break.
11a. What is your main conclusion (Lucian’s theory of the part of the room is successful./ Lucian’s theory of the part of the room is unsuccessful.)
11b. What is the number of the answer from 1-5 and its link to the main conclusion?
11c. What is the number of the answer from 6-10 and its link to the main conclusion?
Friday, May 7, 2010
Input and Output
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Get A Job
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
3. Rebreasoning - Think of the fact that the person and the object in a sentence are connected by a verb (an action) that means they touch.
4. Breathsoning - Think of a reason that the object is good.
6. Space - Think of spatial characteristics of the person in relation to the object.
7. Time - Think of temporal characteristics of the person in relation to the object.
4. Learn how essays are graded, in terms of making distinctions between objects, in:
2. Marking Scheme - Creative Arts and Science - Creative Arts and Science
5. Five departments - Each reason in the essay should be checked using this technique for ample marks.
6. Essay Requirements - One may be awarded a certain grade based on the content of the essay.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Pedagogical Epoche
Find The Inference From Each Reason To The Conclusion That It Causes Using Control of Body, Money and Computers
Make sure the inference from each reason to the conclusion that it causes, e.g. "The astronaut drank water in the sleeping bag, which meant he needed to go to the toilet" is found using the following three ideas.
- Control of Body: check that the body can perform the action.
- Money: check how much money the action will cost.
- Computers: write a short algorithm for it. For example, 1. The astronaut drank water. 2. His bladder filled with urine.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Find Main Conclusion Using Control of Body, Money and Computers
- Control of Body: check that the body can perform the action.
- Money: check how much money the action will cost.
- Computers: write a short algorithm for it. For example, 1. Attach the sleeping bag to a piece of wood. 2. Slide the piece of wood between two other pieces of wood, attached to a wall, with a clip on top.