Welcome to Lucian's Pedagogy.

This site contains information to help you understand the marking process in humanities, creative arts and science essays.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

How to earn A+ grade in an essay

The following are ideas needed to upgrade your essay grade.

1. Two uses
Include two uses for an idea in your essay.

2. Two types
Include two types of things which work together as one of the points in your essay.

3. Future
Relate a point in your essay to a word from the future.

Structure of marks
1. H1 - agree with lecturer (exposition only or exposition and critique)*
2. H2A - disagree with lecturer (exposition, followed by critique)
3. H2B - disagree with non-central contention (exposition, followed by critique)

The exposition is five perspectives from the primary text.
The critique is five perspectives, focusing on each of the perspectives from the exposition.

The rest are for essays which don't have the ideas above.

4. H2B - disagree (exposition, followed by critique)
5. H3 - first half: exposition, second half: use five perspectives
6. P - agree (exposition)
7. N - disagree (critique only), or not answering the question

* For A+, added clarity it required, which will be described.

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