Welcome to Lucian's Pedagogy.

This site contains information to help you understand the marking process in humanities, creative arts and science essays.

Please read the Table of Contents (Welcome!) . To earn A, (in an assignment, to have a healthy baby or use 50 As to earn a job) please visit the Anarchy Quiz.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Why Learn Meditation during Sabbatical Year or Gap Year?

In one sentence, I recommend learning the skill of Humanist Pedagogy, to help earning A grade for University grades, earning a job and having a child without help, and the skill of Lucian Meditation, to help literally spiritually "train" you for life, use your whole brain in exams, especially using the meditation sutra, and prepare for life's challenges, including happiness through a holistic medicine course, before starting study or a job at about the age of 18.

Before your Sabbatical Year or Gap Year, it is important to consider your life's direction, and what to do studywise/workwise.  I earned a job at KFC, travelled from my home city Melbourne, Australia, to visit Los Angeles in the United States, where I visited the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Open House at Caltech in Pasadena and met GeoMark, the Community Coordinator of my Geocities Community Leader homestead, or web site, in CapeCanaveral.

A list of my spiritual gifts so far includes having reached 50 specific As, giving me the ability to at least pray for a new group of 50 As, lecturer helpedness, then Nietzsche-helpedness, learning that I needed to change from completing one "Pedagogy" A in Ugrad to 15 and then 50 in Honours and Masters and above, respectively, which is fewer than the lecturers need to complete, which is fewer than 4 As per week, including 5 As per student's assignment, which is expanded to 50 As by the University, and reducing an A from 80 breasonings (ideas) to 10 breasonings, actually required per, and only per, original sentence in Honours and above in humanist pedagogy, learning to meditate using the meditation mantra and sutra, leading to becoming a meditation group leader, and study-confirmed spiritual gifts in Education, Theology, yoga, quantum physics, and especially Philosophy, which gave me a taste of many areas of study, etc.

Lucian Green
