Welcome to Lucian's Pedagogy.

This site contains information to help you understand the marking process in humanities, creative arts and science essays.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Object to the word "cancer" as a metaphor for positive thoughts going wrong. Think of a way to solve it. Also, think of the fact that the following entries work anyway: Then, think of H2A, in other words differing reasons from each of them.

1. Ideas - As an exercise, think of two uses, a future use and two types for each object.
2. Breasoning - Think of the x, y, z dimensions and colour of each object.
3. Rebreasoning - Think of the fact that the person and the object in a sentence are connected by a verb (an action) that means they touch.
4. Breathsoning - Think of a reason that the object is good.
5. Rebreathsoning - Think of a reason that the verb (action) is done well.
6. Space - Think of spatial characteristics of the person in relation to the object.
7. Time - Think of temporal characteristics of the person in relation to the object.

See also:

1. Structure of a Paragraph - Think of a reason, its manifestation and a link to the main conclusion.
2. Test Links Using Control of Body, Money and Computers - Think of how the object is controlled by the body, how much the object costs and how the object functions can be used to think of a link between the reason and the main conclusion.
3. Mindmap - Brainstorm or "mind-map" ideas for your essay.
4. Learn how essays are graded, in terms of making distinctions between objects, in:
1. Marking Scheme - Humanities
2. Marking Scheme - Creative Arts and Science - Creative Arts and Science
5. Five departments - Each reason in the essay should be checked using this technique for ample marks.
6. Essay Requirements - One may be awarded a certain grade based on the content of the essay.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Pedagogical Epoche

The Pedagogical Epoche (ἐποχή) should be used to think of examples of the pedagogical ideas. E.g. One should suspend one's thinking about the breasoning rule, "think of the x dimension of a ruler", and think of the answer, 0.3 m.

Find The Inference From Each Reason To The Conclusion That It Causes Using Control of Body, Money and Computers

Make sure the inference from each reason to the conclusion that it causes, e.g. "The astronaut drank water in the sleeping bag, which meant he needed to go to the toilet" is found using the following three ideas.

  1. Control of Body: check that the body can perform the action.
  2. Money: check how much money the action will cost.
  3. Computers: write a short algorithm for it. For example, 1. The astronaut drank water. 2. His bladder filled with urine.
The inference from each reason to the conclusion that it causes, should be "The astronaut drank water in the sleeping bag, which meant he needed to go to the toilet".