Welcome to Lucian's Pedagogy.

This site contains information to help you understand the marking process in humanities, creative arts and science essays.

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Monday, April 21, 2008


The conclusion includes:
• The main conclusion


An introduction includes:
• A thesis statement (main conclusion)


The main conclusion for each paragraph in the critique (mentioned in the previous post) should be linked to the main argument in your essay, which may be drawn from another part of the course.
The last sentence of each of the paragraphs in your body should link to the next paragraph.

Library texts

Usually five texts are required for the critique. Use an argument map to structure the conclusions from each text, e.g. two conclusions supporting your paragraph's conclusion and a reason for each.

Write an inference from each reason to the conclusion that it causes.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Think of two uses for each of your five arguments, and your conclusion.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Each of your paragraphs' conclusions should be a reason for your main conclusion. If differing in opinion from the writer, they should be reasons for your main conclusion, which should be the opposite of the conclusion argued for if you had agreed.